Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Our Christmas started last night. Actually, for me it started yesterday afternoon, when I saw the first snowflakes fall, while I was visiting my friend Claudia to drop off her Christmas gift. The forecast was for rain and yet, by the time our guests arrived around 4pm, the grass and roofs were white.

We had my dad, Rick's dad (who's staying here from last Sunday until Saturday), my brother, sister in law and their 2 children (2 and 6) and our friends Christine and Chuck and their daughter over for a Christmas Eve buffet. Rick's dad made Polish pirozhki's (sp?) and Rick made homemade meatballs. We also had seafood, different cheeses, fruits and vegetables. My diet has definitely been shot! Especially with the cognac Rick's dad is sharing with us, yum!

The kids were adorable. Athena, my two year old niece, was into everything, especially our ice skating scene in the living room. Kai played with her a lot, despite his ear pain (more later about that!). Sandy, my 6 year old nephew, Mallory, my friend's 8 yo and Saskia played and did crafts. All the kids got to open Christmas pj's and wear them around the house. Rick and I got Christmas pj's too and Rick's dad ski socks, which he is wearing now (he never wears pajama's). Katja went to church with her friend, unfortunately, I had no chance to join them.

After the guests left, Kai's earaches, which he had been complaining about since the morning already, got much worse and he was crying with pain. I placed a call to the doctor, but when the doctor on call called back, she couldn't offer any more suggestions than what I had already done (warm oil in the ear, Motrin, Tylenol and Sudafed). Kai was just miserable, crying in pain, not able to lie down or sit up. I felt so powerless, not able to alleviate is pain at all!

We had him sit with us, as we got the Santa gifts out and the stockings ready (thankfully, he doesn't believe in Santa anymore, just in the spirit of giving). But at 12:30, we were all very tired and had to go to bed. Kai could not sleep and cried till 3:30, Rick and I did not know what to do to get him comfortable enough to sleep. Around that time though, both his eardrums must have burst. Clear, but bloody, discharge came from both. It did alleviate the pain a bit though and he fell asleep, as did we, exhausted.

Unfortunately, he woke up again at 7:30 and commented on the white world outside. This woke Saskia up and we had the hardest time to keep sleeping till 8:30, by which time it was raining outside and we were bummed. By the time we got downstairs though, it had changed to snow again and looked gorgeous.

We had coffee (after opening our stocking gifts laced with Amaretto ;)) and Christmas stollen with clotted cream and started unwrapping gifts. Because our tradition is to unwrap the gifts one person at a time, so the giver gets full enjoyment of the reaction, it took more than 2 hours to unwrap them all. Kai, meanwhile, was feeling terrible and I called the doctor, who promised to come to his office to see Kai as it sounded bad to him.

So, after everything was unwrapped and everyone (more than) happy (highlights: Kai - a microscope, Katja - a gold necklace with her birthstone Aquamarine and Saskia - Barbie Talking Townhouse, for me it was a beautiful opal/tanzanite ring Rick got me (and heartstrings: Katja got me a silver ring and Saskia a beautiful box with a heart she had made from the iron together beads.), Rick took him to the doctor. Our diagnosis of 2 ruptured eardrums was correct and the doctor was really amazed according to Rick, as it is unusual to rupture both eardrums. He now has antibiotics and numbing eardrops. He threw up when he got home and saw literally green. But then he took a bath and Rick gave him Motrin and suddenly he was eating, drinking and playing. I can't say how happy I was to see that, after the completely sick boy we had last night!

I took pictures of the snow and the sunset and the Christmas decorations tonight with my new camera filters and tonight we just had leftovers. And we've just been talking about stuff. Kai is now starting to enjoy his Christmas, he's playing with toy after toy!

One really dark spot though is my friend Claudia's life right now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Her husband has left her and her two daughters and is playing totally hardball. But the worst things is that her parents are completely taking his side and today it came to a head and her dad tried to remove her from his house by physical force and when that didn't work, he had her arrested. She called me in total distress and I worry about her. She is a wonderful mother and a very strong woman at that (you'd have to be for going through what she has!), but this is all very much to handle for one person! I'm trying to be a good friend but I fear I can't be of much support.

Tomorrow we're going to my dad's and will exchange gifts with my siblings and their families and have Christmas dinner. At least it looks like Kai will be much better!!

Hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a great day!

Monday, December 23, 2002

Here we are sitting in a very cozy room with Dad in law here, the first of the relatives to arrive for the holidays.

On Saturday we had a great party here with lots of friends and their kids. About thirty people came. Unfortunately, Rick had invited 20 people from his office and about 6 said they could not make it and one came, the rest just didn't show! I really dislike that, when you clearly ask for an RSVP so you can decide how much food to make and people just don't show.

Thankfully, we had just enough food, as I decided not to defrost everything at once, like Rick wanted me to. It was truly a great evening and I felt so blessed with all my friends!

Yesterday, Rick and I went grocery shopping for our Christmas Eve buffet, we'll have my dad, my brother and family, Rick's dad and Christine, Chuck and Mallory over. So a nice big group again.
In the afternoon, Katja had her first tutoring session for math and I went for my workout in the meantime. Then we went to get some last Christmas presents, I'm finally done, had to buy for over 20 people!

In the evening, after dinner, the church across the street had a living Nativity pageant. Very nice! They have a donkey, a calf, sheep and goats. A man narrates the story of the birth of Jezus and adults and kids re-enact it. The baby "Jezus" was very cute, sleeping in his mom's arms with a pacifier in his mouth :).

Today we're all going for a workout, Dad in law included and Katja too!! Then it's wrapping time and I'd like to get my peppermint bark made, as well as the gingerbread house.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Time is downright flying! There is so much to do and so little time to do it! And now Rick is throwing some "must see" movies in the mix too. Help!!!! I told him he can't expect me to keep going and not collapse at some point. Those movies can wait. His argument is, that they then go to a small theater, well, worse things have happened, sigh!

But with this griping, we had a wonderful day together today. We left right after the kids went to school, got ourselves a McDonald's breakfast and drove to Front Royal to go on the Skyline Drive for a hike. Unfortunately, Skyline Drive was closed due to snow and ice (even though it's just about all melted!). Fortunately, there was a trail (Dickey Ridge) right before the park entrance. We walked the whole trail, it was great, it was mostly along a mountain stream, so I got beautiful waterfall pictures.

After our walk we drove to Middleburg a quaint little town west of us, where we had lunch at the old Red Fox Inn. After the great meal, we went to Chrysalis vineyard for a tasting and we bought a case of wine, because their wines are truly delicious.

Then we still had time to stop by the British Pantry to get some British stuff for Christmas. A fun day together and something I wish we could do much more often!

Friday, December 13, 2002

Well, we had the party and it was a huge success! Everyone came and then some, as Kai and Katja had a friend over too, so at one point there were 21 kids! The magician was great, he really knew how to do crowd control, as especially one little boy kept getting up and trying to get things and all he needed to do was say "Will, sit down" and the boy would listen. The highlight of the show was when he pulled a live bunny out of a hat, which the kids could pet afterwards. Though many kids thought the goldfish Saskia got for a gift during one of the tricks was pretty cool too. Rick and I were less thrilled, it's not like we need another pet!

We had pizza and cake afterwards and after 2 hours everyone went home again. Saskia was very happy, she got great gifts (many crafts, yay!) and she loved the magician.

Yesterday I ran around all day. After my workout

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Saskia's birthday and an icestorm! Well, we won't forget her 7th birthday for sure. Yesterday the prediction was for some ice, but today of course it looks worse than they predicted, so now we have to determine whether we will have her party this afternoon, at 4, or will postpone it will Monday.
I'd prefer today, but I guess we'll make the call around noon.

The schools are closed and all my plans for today scratched. There shouldn't be too many more of these days before Christmas, or things will not be ready. On the other hand, sleeping in in the middle of the week is something I can easily get used to! And thankfully Rick's early morning meeting was canceled, as I was worried about him having to walk to the metro, not because of his walking, but because of crazy drivers.

Now let me wax poetically about my 7 year old! I can't believe she's 7! My baby! I'm so glad to see she's keeping her sunny personality. She has a smile for everyone and chats readily with kids and adults. She's overall a very happy child. Her smile went through a change recently though, when she lost both front teeth at the same time and now the adult teeth are growing in.

She is still petite, hasn't gone through a major growth spurt yet, like Katja at her age. She is in size 6X, which is usually still big on her.

She is 100% girlish, plays with Barbies and Fashion Polly's, loves beautiful clothes, make up and hair things. We just recently redecorated her room to a more "grown up" theme. She chose a blue to aqua pattern with little white flowers and natural wood for her furniture. I painted her window wall aqua. This also marked the first time in years that she's sleeping in her own bed and not in a sleeping bag next to my bed. In the beginning, I really missed that little body next to me.

Kai and she are like water and oil many times and then suddenly are the best of friends. We know several families who have kids of the same ages as the two of them, so frequently brothers and sisters are playing together.

She's an eager learner at school, reading quite well already and happily doing her homework every weekend. She is just a delight to have, very cuddly and quick to kiss her mommy and daddy. A true gift to us!

Monday, December 09, 2002

Well, it did snow! We got 6 inches and it stayed cold, so there is a lot left of it. The kids had 2 snowdays off from school and that was a lot of fun.

We had a little bit of an adventure with Saskia though, as she sledded down a hill into a deckpole with the back of her head. Afterwards, she got a huge bump and complained of a headache. When she was still complaining of a headache the next morning, we took her to the doctor. They didn't think it was anything to worry about, but I hate to think what could have happened! After Katja's hitting the wall sledding at the school with her head last year, the new rule in this house is sledding with a helmet on!

We had a superbusy weekend, on Saturday we celebrated Sinterklaas with Chuck, Christine, Mallory and my dad. We had postponed from Thursday because of the snow. On Thursday the five of us did a mini celebration, giving each other a small gift with a poem and eating some Sinterklaas candy. Saturday's celebration was great! The poems were very funny and everyone had a good time.

Yesterday, we first took Brynna, our dog, to the vet, as she was panting and trembling and wanting to lie in my lap and when we let her outside, she was lying in the snow. Clearly, something was wrong. The vet did bloodwork (to the tune of $$$$!), but couldn't really find anything wrong with her, except for what she always has: elevated liver enzymes. Today, she was still as bad, so we took her to our own vet, where she still is. She seems to have pain near her back, so now they're giving her pain medication, see if that helps.

The vet yesterday would keep her for a few hours, so in the meantime we went shopping for our Salvation Army tree angels at the mall. The kids each select an angel their age and we buy toys and clothes for them. I'm always happy to see how much effort the kids put into selecting something their "angel" would like.

After all this and picking Brynna up again, we went to the Santa Clause 2 movie. It was a cute movie, lots of loose ends at the end though, like, what was Mrs. Clause going to do with her life now?

Today I've been busy with mundane stuff such as childcare, laundry and tree decorating.

Funny things they say: Saskia and I were in the car together after dropping Katja off for basketball practice, when Saskia said: "Mammie, why are people people?" and then she went on to say "I always think that when I'm in the bathroom and sometimes when I'm not in the bathroom, but I don't know the answer" :). Needless to say, I don't know the answer either. If anyone has a good one, I'd like to hear it!

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Yay, it's going to snow! Woohoo!!! I can't remember a time since I've lived in the US that it snowed substantially this early in the season. And just right to get us into the Christmas spirit too!

I've been so busy, I've just been wiped out every evening and haven't been good about updating my blog. On Saturday, I went to Target after my workout and suddenly I felt so tired I just couldn't go on. So I went home and took a nap, because that night we had dinner at our friends' house. That dinner was a lot of fun, they have kids the same sexes and ages as ours and they had prepared cardboard and paper houses for the kids to decorate with cookies and candy. They loved doing it! And it was interesting to see the differences in the age groups. The oldest girls finished the whole thing, but the younger children did parts and then lost interest.

On Sunday, Katja and I went shopping, as she has lost some weight and needed new jeans. I also found shoes to wear with my rhinestone pants, so the outfit for the Christmas party is complete now.

Monday I designated to put up the Christmas lights outside and rake the leaves, as the weather was predicted to become very cold the rest of the week. And right they were! It's been downright frigid!

Yesterday Katja had an orthodontist appointment and was told, that as long as she would wear rubber bands diligently, her braces can come off next month! The problem is, she hates those rubber bands :(.

After that we went to the mall and got our "angels" from the Salvation Army tree. Each child chooses an angel their age and on the weekend we'll go shopping for them. I find it a nice way to make the kids think of someone else during this season of receiving for them.

Today, Christine and I shopped and I went to Michael's this morning. I also went early yesterday, before the bible study. and got materials to make my "Rudolph" door hangers. They couldn't be easier to make: get a pine broom, separate the top in half and hold together with a small red bow, for the "ears", then glue on large plastic eyes and a large red pompom for his nose. Tie a bow around the stem and hang on the door. They look very cute (we have double doors).

This afternoon I filled velours stockings with stuffed animal filling and sewed the top shut, for pillows in our family room, the kids love them!

Tomorrow, if it is a snow day, we'll be putting together a gingerbread house and a miniature tree. I so love doing crafts with the kids this season!

And during this season, it's especially important to remember all the things we have to be grateful for, so I'm starting my 5 things that made me happy again:

1. Having Saskia tell me the story of Hanukkah in detail, as she's learned it in school and showing such interest in other cultures and religions.
2. Doing fun holiday stuff with the kids and seeing how they're really appreciating the traditions. When we were driving at dark the other night, they asked if we could look at lights and play "I spy", as "always". I try to incorporate lots of traditions in our lives, because I think those are the things that they'll remember into adulthood, not how many gifts they got.
3. Having Katja cherish lying in bed with me in the early morning before school so much, that she was almost excited about Rick being out of town yesterday.
4. Watching scientific programs with Kai and discussing them together afterwards.
5. Getting a drawing from Saskia with 4 little hearts with the words "I love you Mom and Dad" written in them!
Yay, it's going to snow! Woohoo!!! I can't remember a time since I've lived in the US that it snowed substantially this early in the season. And just right to get us into the Christmas spirit too!

I've been so busy, I've just been wiped out every evening and haven't been good about updating my blog. On Saturday, I went to Target after my workout and suddenly I felt so tired I just couldn't go on. So I went home and took a nap, because that night we had dinner at our friends' house. That dinner was a lot of fun, they have kids the same sexes and ages as ours and they had prepared cardboard and paper houses for the kids to decorate with cookies and candy. They loved doing it! And it was interesting to see the differences in the age groups. The oldest girls finished the whole thing, but the younger children did parts and then lost interest.

On Sunday, Katja and I went shopping, as she has lost some weight and needed new jeans. I also found shoes to wear with my rhinestone pants, so the outfit for the Christmas party is complete now.

Monday I designated to put up the Christmas lights outside and rake the leaves, as the weather was predicted to become very cold the rest of the week. And right they were! It's been downright frigid!

Yesterday Katja had an orthodontist appointment and was told, that as long as she would wear rubber bands diligently, her braces can come off next month! The problem is, she hates those rubber bands :(.

After that we went to the mall and got our "angels" from the Salvation Army tree. Each child chooses an angel their age and on the weekend we'll go shopping for them. I find it a nice way to make the kids think of someone else during this season of receiving for them.

Today, Christine and I shopped and I went to Michael's this morning. I also went early yesterday, before the bible study. and got materials to make my "Rudolph" door hangers. They couldn't be easier to make: get a pine broom, separate the top in half and hold together with a small red bow, for the "ears", then glue on large plastic eyes and a large red pompom for his nose. Tie a bow around the stem and hang on the door. They look very cute (we have double doors).

This afternoon I filled velours stockings with stuffed animal filling and sewed the top shut, for pillows in our family room, the kids love them!

Tomorrow, if it is a snow day, we'll be putting together a gingerbread house and a miniature tree. I so love doing crafts with the kids this season!

And during this season, it's especially important to remember all the things we have to be grateful for, so I'm starting my 5 things that made me happy again:

1. Having Saskia tell me the story of Hanukkah in detail, as she's learned it in school and showing such interest in other cultures and religions.
2. Doing fun holiday stuff with the kids and seeing how they're really appreciating the traditions. When we were driving at dark the other night, they asked if we could look at lights and play "I spy", as "always". I try to incorporate lots of traditions in our lives, because I think those are the things that they'll remember into adulthood, not how many gifts they got.
3. Having Katja cherish lying in bed with me in the early morning before school so much, that she was almost excited about Rick being out of town yesterday.
4. Watching scientific programs with Kai and discussing them together afterwards.
5. Getting a drawing from Saskia with 4 little hearts with the words "I love you Mom and Dad" written in them!
Yay, it's going to snow! Woohoo!!! I can't remember a time since I've lived in the US that it snowed substantially this early in the season. And just right to get us into the Christmas spirit too!

I've been so busy, I've just been wiped out every evening and haven't been good about updating my blog. On Saturday, I went to Target after my workout and suddenly I felt so tired I just couldn't go on. So I went home and took a nap, because that night we had dinner at our friends' house. That dinner was a lot of fun, they have kids the same sexes and ages as ours and they had prepared cardboard and paper houses for the kids to decorate with cookies and candy. They loved doing it! And it was interesting to see the differences in the age groups. The oldest girls finished the whole thing, but the younger children did parts and then lost interest.

On Sunday, Katja and I went shopping, as she has lost some weight and needed new jeans. I also found shoes to wear with my rhinestone pants, so the outfit for the Christmas party is complete now.

Monday I designated to put up the Christmas lights outside and rake the leaves, as the weather was predicted to become very cold the rest of the week. And right they were! It's been downright frigid!

Yesterday Katja had an orthodontist appointment and was told, that as long as she would wear rubber bands diligently, her braces can come off next month! The problem is, she hates those rubber bands :(.

After that we went to the mall and got our "angels" from the Salvation Army tree. Each child chooses an angel their age and on the weekend we'll go shopping for them. I find it a nice way to make the kids think of someone else during this season of receiving for them.

Today, Christine and I shopped and I went to Michael's this morning. I also went early yesterday, before the bible study. and got materials to make my "Rudolph" door hangers. They couldn't be easier to make: get a pine broom, separate the top in half and hold together with a small red bow, for the "ears", then glue on large plastic eyes and a large red pompom for his nose. Tie a bow around the stem and hang on the door. They look very cute (we have double doors).

This afternoon I filled velours stockings with stuffed animal filling and sewed the top shut, for pillows in our family room, the kids love them!

Tomorrow, if it is a snow day, we'll be putting together a gingerbread house and a miniature tree. I so love doing crafts with the kids this season!

And during this season, it's especially important to remember all the things we have to be grateful for, so I'm starting my 5 things that made me happy again:

1. Having Saskia tell me the story of Hanukkah in detail, as she's learned it in school and showing such interest in other cultures and religions.
2. Doing fun holiday stuff with the kids and seeing how they're really appreciating the traditions. When we were driving at dark the other night, they asked if we could look at lights and play "I spy", as "always". I try to incorporate lots of traditions in our lives, because I think those are the things that they'll remember into adulthood, not how many gifts they got.
3. Having Katja cherish lying in bed with me in the early morning before school so much, that she was almost excited about Rick being out of town yesterday.
4. Watching scientific programs with Kai and discussing them together afterwards.
5. Getting a drawing from Saskia with 4 little hearts with the words "I love you Mom and Dad" written in them!
Yay, it's going to snow! Woohoo!!! I can't remember a time since I've lived in the US that it snowed substantially this early in the season. And just right to get us into the Christmas spirit too!

I've been so busy, I've just been wiped out every evening and haven't been good about updating my blog. On Saturday, I went to Target after my workout and suddenly I felt so tired I just couldn't go on. So I went home and took a nap, because that night we had dinner at our friends' house. That dinner was a lot of fun, they have kids the same sexes and ages as ours and they had prepared cardboard and paper houses for the kids to decorate with cookies and candy. They loved doing it! And it was interesting to see the differences in the age groups. The oldest girls finished the whole thing, but the younger children did parts and then lost interest.

On Sunday, Katja and I went shopping, as she has lost some weight and needed new jeans. I also found shoes to wear with my rhinestone pants, so the outfit for the Christmas party is complete now.

Monday I designated to put up the Christmas lights outside and rake the leaves, as the weather was predicted to become very cold the rest of the week. And right they were! It's been downright frigid!

Yesterday Katja had an orthodontist appointment and was told, that as long as she would wear rubber bands diligently, her braces can come off next month! The problem is, she hates those rubber bands :(.

After that we went to the mall and got our "angels" from the Salvation Army tree. Each child chooses an angel their age and on the weekend we'll go shopping for them. I find it a nice way to make the kids think of someone else during this season of receiving for them.

Today, Christine and I shopped and I went to Michael's this morning. I also went early yesterday, before the bible study. and got materials to make my "Rudolph" door hangers. They couldn't be easier to make: get a pine broom, separate the top in half and hold together with a small red bow, for the "ears", then glue on large plastic eyes and a large red pompom for his nose. Tie a bow around the stem and hang on the door. They look very cute (we have double doors).

This afternoon I filled velours stockings with stuffed animal filling and sewed the top shut, for pillows in our family room, the kids love them!

Tomorrow, if it is a snow day, we'll be putting together a gingerbread house and a miniature tree. I so love doing crafts with the kids this season!

And during this season, it's especially important to remember all the things we have to be grateful for, so I'm starting my 5 things that made me happy again:

1. Having Saskia tell me the story of Hanukkah in detail, as she's learned it in school and showing such interest in other cultures and religions.
2. Doing fun holiday stuff with the kids and seeing how they're really appreciating the traditions. When we were driving at dark the other night, they asked if we could look at lights and play "I spy", as "always". I try to incorporate lots of traditions in our lives, because I think those are the things that they'll remember into adulthood, not how many gifts they got.
3. Having Katja cherish lying in bed with me in the early morning before school so much, that she was almost excited about Rick being out of town yesterday.
4. Watching scientific programs with Kai and discussing them together afterwards.
5. Getting a drawing from Saskia with 4 little hearts with the words "I love you Mom and Dad" written in them!

Friday, November 29, 2002

The day after Thanksgiving and I'm sitting here with the fireplace on, pooped from shopping from 7:50am on!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving yesterday, thankfully, Katja got better just in time to gorge herself on the meal :). She has been having her so manyest cold this season, very unlike her, who is normally rarely sick. But we think it may be the chance in schedule at school and the new school.

Rick cooked a great turkey meal. The turkey was so tender, it fell apart. He made sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls with it and I got some side dishes at Fresh Fields, wild rice with cranberries, glazed carrots and another stuffing. It was delicious! And for dessert of course pumpkin pie. I've had to acquire a taste for sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie and I don't think Thanksgiving will ever be my favorite meal, but I did like it better this time.

My dad came over as well and he's driving north to visit my brother's family in Canada for the weekend. Hopefully, he won't encounter too much snow, as a storm is supposed to hit.

I took some really funny pictures of Brynna and Katinka, the dogs, while Rick was cleaning the turkey. You can just see the desire in their faces for a delicious piece of scrap meat ;).

Today Christine and I shopped till we dropped. We both needed outfits for the company Christmas parties and were successful. I also got my nieces and nephews Christmas outfits. Since my mother doesn't do those things I figure the aunt can.

Saskia also got a cute Christmas outfit and Katja Christmas pins. We had a great time, Christine and I and I was grateful for her opinion on what I tried on.

Kai and Saskia are going for a sleepover to friends tonight. It will be Saskia's first sleepover that's not at her grandparents house, so we'll see if she manages. The friend she's staying with tried last week here, but we had to call her parents to pick her up at 11pm. So, we're bracing ourselves, but then again, she may do fine.

Rick is taking Katja to the Eminem movie, 8 Mile. She is quite excited. It's rated R, but I figure they can talk about it. I'm too tired to join them, so I'll just be here and play games and watch tv.
The day after Thanksgiving and I'm sitting here with the fireplace on, pooped from shopping from 7:50am on!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving yesterday, thankfully, Katja got better just in time to gorge herself on the meal :). She has been having her so manyest cold this season, very unlike her, who is normally rarely sick. But we think it may be the chance in schedule at school and the new school.

Rick cooked a great turkey meal. The turkey was so tender, it fell apart. He made sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls with it and I got some side dishes at Fresh Fields, wild rice with cranberries, glazed carrots and another stuffing. It was delicious! And for dessert of course pumpkin pie. I've had to acquire a taste for sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie and I don't think Thanksgiving will ever be my favorite meal, but I did like it better this time.

My dad came over as well and he's driving north to visit my brother's family in Canada for the weekend. Hopefully, he won't encounter too much snow, as a storm is supposed to hit.

I took some really funny pictures of Brynna and Katinka, the dogs, while Rick was cleaning the turkey. You can just see the desire in their faces for a delicious piece of scrap meat ;).

Today Christine and I shopped till we dropped. We both needed outfits for the company Christmas parties and were successful. I also got my nieces and nephews Christmas outfits. Since my mother doesn't do those things I figure the aunt can.

Saskia also got a cute Christmas outfit and Katja Christmas pins. We had a great time, Christine and I and I was grateful for her opinion on what I tried on.

Kai and Saskia are going for a sleepover to friends tonight. It will be Saskia's first sleepover that's not at her grandparents house, so we'll see if she manages. The friend she's staying with tried last week here, but we had to call her parents to pick her up at 11pm. So, we're bracing ourselves, but then again, she may do fine.

Rick is taking Katja to the Eminem movie, 8 Mile. She is quite excited. It's rated R, but I figure they can talk about it. I'm too tired to join them, so I'll just be here and play games and watch tv.
The day after Thanksgiving and I'm sitting here with the fireplace on, pooped from shopping from 7:50am on!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving yesterday, thankfully, Katja got better just in time to gorge herself on the meal :). She has been having her so manyest cold this season, very unlike her, who is normally rarely sick. But we think it may be the chance in schedule at school and the new school.

Rick cooked a great turkey meal. The turkey was so tender, it fell apart. He made sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls with it and I got some side dishes at Fresh Fields, wild rice with cranberries, glazed carrots and another stuffing. It was delicious! And for dessert of course pumpkin pie. I've had to acquire a taste for sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie and I don't think Thanksgiving will ever be my favorite meal, but I did like it better this time.

My dad came over as well and he's driving north to visit my brother's family in Canada for the weekend. Hopefully, he won't encounter too much snow, as a storm is supposed to hit.

I took some really funny pictures of Brynna and Katinka, the dogs, while Rick was cleaning the turkey. You can just see the desire in their faces for a delicious piece of scrap meat ;).

Today Christine and I shopped till we dropped. We both needed outfits for the company Christmas parties and were successful. I also got my nieces and nephews Christmas outfits. Since my mother doesn't do those things I figure the aunt can.

Saskia also got a cute Christmas outfit and Katja Christmas pins. We had a great time, Christine and I and I was grateful for her opinion on what I tried on.

Kai and Saskia are going for a sleepover to friends tonight. It will be Saskia's first sleepover that's not at her grandparents house, so we'll see if she manages. The friend she's staying with tried last week here, but we had to call her parents to pick her up at 11pm. So, we're bracing ourselves, but then again, she may do fine.

Rick is taking Katja to the Eminem movie, 8 Mile. She is quite excited. It's rated R, but I figure they can talk about it. I'm too tired to join them, so I'll just be here and play games and watch tv.
The day after Thanksgiving and I'm sitting here with the fireplace on, pooped from shopping from 7:50am on!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving yesterday, thankfully, Katja got better just in time to gorge herself on the meal :). She has been having her so manyest cold this season, very unlike her, who is normally rarely sick. But we think it may be the chance in schedule at school and the new school.

Rick cooked a great turkey meal. The turkey was so tender, it fell apart. He made sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls with it and I got some side dishes at Fresh Fields, wild rice with cranberries, glazed carrots and another stuffing. It was delicious! And for dessert of course pumpkin pie. I've had to acquire a taste for sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie and I don't think Thanksgiving will ever be my favorite meal, but I did like it better this time.

My dad came over as well and he's driving north to visit my brother's family in Canada for the weekend. Hopefully, he won't encounter too much snow, as a storm is supposed to hit.

I took some really funny pictures of Brynna and Katinka, the dogs, while Rick was cleaning the turkey. You can just see the desire in their faces for a delicious piece of scrap meat ;).

Today Christine and I shopped till we dropped. We both needed outfits for the company Christmas parties and were successful. I also got my nieces and nephews Christmas outfits. Since my mother doesn't do those things I figure the aunt can.

Saskia also got a cute Christmas outfit and Katja Christmas pins. We had a great time, Christine and I and I was grateful for her opinion on what I tried on.

Kai and Saskia are going for a sleepover to friends tonight. It will be Saskia's first sleepover that's not at her grandparents house, so we'll see if she manages. The friend she's staying with tried last week here, but we had to call her parents to pick her up at 11pm. So, we're bracing ourselves, but then again, she may do fine.

Rick is taking Katja to the Eminem movie, 8 Mile. She is quite excited. It's rated R, but I figure they can talk about it. I'm too tired to join them, so I'll just be here and play games and watch tv.

Monday, November 25, 2002

I'm baaaaack :)! We got back from the Bahamas on Wednesday the 20th (blog: and Thursday and Friday I felt so tired and rundown, all I could think about was sleep.

It got a little better on Saturday and we went to see the Harry Potter movie, which the kids had been dying to see. It was a lot of fun and not as scary as I had thought, after reading all the warnings about that. That evening, Kai and Saskia had a sleepover here with their friends Michael and Laura. They were all allowed to put their shoes in front of the fireplace, so Sinterklaas could come and put something in it. My kids sang their traditional Sinterklaas song and taught Michael and Laura some of it.

Unfortunately for Saskia, who cried and cried afterwards, Laura didn't manage to pull her first sleepover off. Around 11pm she started crying for her mommy and daddy and after some tries to get her to calm down and go to sleep, we called her parents, who thankfully live close by, to pick her up. She came back the next morning for her shoe gift.

On Sunday, Rick and I took care of all the leaves in the yard. I raked the front yard, while he started on the back. We filled 9 large plastic bags and there is a heap on the curb! Incredible how many leaves come off those trees!

Wednesday the 20th was Rick's birthday and since that was our travel day back from the Bahamas, we hadn't really celebrated yet. His request was to see the James Bond movie, Die Another Day and then go to a steakhouse. Poor Saskia was not too fond of the movie, but the rest of us loved it! It's action packed and has many typical Bond ingredients, but is different enough to enjoy.

Then we dropped Katja at home, who had several homework projects due and went to eat a nice steak dinner (we brought Katja one home, in case anyone thought us ogres).

Today I went in for my workout and this afternoon again felt so fatigued, plus Saskia had a headache and Katja complained of a very sore throat, so I hope we're not all coming down with something!
I'm baaaaack :)! We got back from the Bahamas on Wednesday the 20th (blog: and Thursday and Friday I felt so tired and rundown, all I could think about was sleep.

It got a little better on Saturday and we went to see the Harry Potter movie, which the kids had been dying to see. It was a lot of fun and not as scary as I had thought, after reading all the warnings about that. That evening, Kai and Saskia had a sleepover here with their friends Michael and Laura. They were all allowed to put their shoes in front of the fireplace, so Sinterklaas could come and put something in it. My kids sang their traditional Sinterklaas song and taught Michael and Laura some of it.

Unfortunately for Saskia, who cried and cried afterwards, Laura didn't manage to pull her first sleepover off. Around 11pm she started crying for her mommy and daddy and after some tries to get her to calm down and go to sleep, we called her parents, who thankfully live close by, to pick her up. She came back the next morning for her shoe gift.

On Sunday, Rick and I took care of all the leaves in the yard. I raked the front yard, while he started on the back. We filled 9 large plastic bags and there is a heap on the curb! Incredible how many leaves come off those trees!

Wednesday the 20th was Rick's birthday and since that was our travel day back from the Bahamas, we hadn't really celebrated yet. His request was to see the James Bond movie, Die Another Day and then go to a steakhouse. Poor Saskia was not too fond of the movie, but the rest of us loved it! It's action packed and has many typical Bond ingredients, but is different enough to enjoy.

Then we dropped Katja at home, who had several homework projects due and went to eat a nice steak dinner (we brought Katja one home, in case anyone thought us ogres).

Today I went in for my workout and this afternoon again felt so fatigued, plus Saskia had a headache and Katja complained of a very sore throat, so I hope we're not all coming down with something!
I'm baaaaack :)! We got back from the Bahamas on Wednesday the 20th (blog: and Thursday and Friday I felt so tired and rundown, all I could think about was sleep.

It got a little better on Saturday and we went to see the Harry Potter movie, which the kids had been dying to see. It was a lot of fun and not as scary as I had thought, after reading all the warnings about that. That evening, Kai and Saskia had a sleepover here with their friends Michael and Laura. They were all allowed to put their shoes in front of the fireplace, so Sinterklaas could come and put something in it. My kids sang their traditional Sinterklaas song and taught Michael and Laura some of it.

Unfortunately for Saskia, who cried and cried afterwards, Laura didn't manage to pull her first sleepover off. Around 11pm she started crying for her mommy and daddy and after some tries to get her to calm down and go to sleep, we called her parents, who thankfully live close by, to pick her up. She came back the next morning for her shoe gift.

On Sunday, Rick and I took care of all the leaves in the yard. I raked the front yard, while he started on the back. We filled 9 large plastic bags and there is a heap on the curb! Incredible how many leaves come off those trees!

Wednesday the 20th was Rick's birthday and since that was our travel day back from the Bahamas, we hadn't really celebrated yet. His request was to see the James Bond movie, Die Another Day and then go to a steakhouse. Poor Saskia was not too fond of the movie, but the rest of us loved it! It's action packed and has many typical Bond ingredients, but is different enough to enjoy.

Then we dropped Katja at home, who had several homework projects due and went to eat a nice steak dinner (we brought Katja one home, in case anyone thought us ogres).

Today I went in for my workout and this afternoon again felt so fatigued, plus Saskia had a headache and Katja complained of a very sore throat, so I hope we're not all coming down with something!
I'm baaaaack :)! We got back from the Bahamas on Wednesday the 20th (blog: and Thursday and Friday I felt so tired and rundown, all I could think about was sleep.

It got a little better on Saturday and we went to see the Harry Potter movie, which the kids had been dying to see. It was a lot of fun and not as scary as I had thought, after reading all the warnings about that. That evening, Kai and Saskia had a sleepover here with their friends Michael and Laura. They were all allowed to put their shoes in front of the fireplace, so Sinterklaas could come and put something in it. My kids sang their traditional Sinterklaas song and taught Michael and Laura some of it.

Unfortunately for Saskia, who cried and cried afterwards, Laura didn't manage to pull her first sleepover off. Around 11pm she started crying for her mommy and daddy and after some tries to get her to calm down and go to sleep, we called her parents, who thankfully live close by, to pick her up. She came back the next morning for her shoe gift.

On Sunday, Rick and I took care of all the leaves in the yard. I raked the front yard, while he started on the back. We filled 9 large plastic bags and there is a heap on the curb! Incredible how many leaves come off those trees!

Wednesday the 20th was Rick's birthday and since that was our travel day back from the Bahamas, we hadn't really celebrated yet. His request was to see the James Bond movie, Die Another Day and then go to a steakhouse. Poor Saskia was not too fond of the movie, but the rest of us loved it! It's action packed and has many typical Bond ingredients, but is different enough to enjoy.

Then we dropped Katja at home, who had several homework projects due and went to eat a nice steak dinner (we brought Katja one home, in case anyone thought us ogres).

Today I went in for my workout and this afternoon again felt so fatigued, plus Saskia had a headache and Katja complained of a very sore throat, so I hope we're not all coming down with something!

Saturday, November 09, 2002

For those that have not received the link yet, I posted the Las Vegas trip journal in a separate blog:

This has been a crazy week (I wonder if I'll ever write "this has been a boring week" ;). The kids and I arrived back from Vegas on Monday evening. All went quite well, I quickly unpacked and did a mammoth laundry!

On Tuesday, the kids were still off from school because of election day. We slept in till 9am, I loved it, as I was exhausted for some reason. Then I called the plumber, as we had 2 running toilets and I really didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on the water bill, not to mention waste water like that. I was in luck as they just happened to be in the area and came back almost immediately, The bad news was though, that the toilets were so cheap, he couldn't fix them. That's when I made the executive decision to replace all 4 toilets in the house, as we've already spent way over $1000 in plumber bills from running and overflowing toilets. The new toilets were installed Thursday morning. The plumber was quite enthousiastic about them, I had to come look at each new toilet installed. I faked some kind of enthusiasm, but have to admit, that toilets don't exactly excite me ;).

After the plumber, I went to vote. I have never hesitated as much in the voting booth as this time. I just couldn't decide whether or not to vote for the tax increase. I ended up voting for it, because I knew that's what Rick would have done (it was for railroad and road improvements). But it got voted down anyway. Besides that the election was kind of boring here in Virginia.

On Thursday, when the plumbers were here, I painted the wall in our bedroom, that has the windows, olive green to match our bedspread. It really looks pretty.

Yesterday I did Artsmart in Kai's class with my friend Denise and we had a great time. We taught about Egyptian Art and the kids engraved hieroglyphics in drywall squares and then colored them.

Then the weather was so beautiful, I took my camera and the dog for a one and a half hour run and got some quite colorful leaf pictures.

Last night, we had a great happy hour party at Christine and Chuck's. We were supposed to bring Greek food and since I had been so busy, I asked Rick to stop by the Greek take out nearby and get some stuff. Well, he got enough to feed 3 parties! But it somehow easily disappeared. It was a wonderful party!

This morning I first went to work out, then came back to fetch Katja and she and I had a pedicure and a manicure done. It's so much fun to do mother and daughter! And she enjoys it tremendously!

Tonight we went to the herring and eel night at the Dutch embassy. Wow, wonderful stuff (I know, most people shiver at the thought). We met some great people and I'm determined to arrange a get together of different "mixed" couples in December.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Yesterday I had an awful day, painwise, the weather was awful. I went to the gym, came home to have a massage and then Rick set up the hot tub for me. Yes, I realize this all sounds very decadent and I do really appreciate the fact that I can do it. But on the other hand, I need it too to simply function. I am often reminded of the times when I first knew Rick and a flare up of fibromyalgia like this week would have me in bed for weeks.

Then again, I feel guilty for taking all that time for myself and to work on my body to feel better. We had teacher conferences yesterday afternoon and I felt well enough after all that tweaking to go. The teachers were enthralled with our kids and I have to say, that's a wonderful feeling. Of course, we feel we have gorgeous, lovable kids, but to hear how well they're doing in school and how much their teachers like them really is fun. I love how different their characters are and how it comes out in the teachers' evaluations. I am very impressed with the teachers at their school (and Katja's too), it certainly doesn't take long for them to get to know their students! What I love is that each student is allowed to be their own persona. They touch on strengths and weaknesses, but not in a way that would alter the child's basic being.

For example, Saskia is very spontaneous, reacts quickly, is very talkative. The teacher has to make sure she doesn't disrupt the lessons (she doesn't), but she's not discouraging her flamboyant personality. And I like that a lot.

Meanwhile, Saskia had her skating lesson and was devastated to miss it, because of the conferences. So I called my dad and he came and took her and enjoyed it tremendously. He even gave her a snack "because she gets a little cranky when she's hungry" :). This has been such a blessing, to see my dad enjoying his role as a grandparent.

He stayed for dinner and Katja had her last field hockey practice of the year. It was a disappointment, because, thanks to the Sniper, they never got to play any tournaments or real games.

Today I woke up in knots again, so I called Christine to say I wouldn't make it to church for our bible study. Sitting in a straight chair for 2 hours just seemed like total torture to me!

She asked me if I couldn't at least come for the last hour and then witness her will for her. So I ended up going to the gym, working out for about 30 minutes, then 5 minutes in the hot tub, which really helped a lot. Then quickly dry my hair and go to church. Back to the gym, then to Trader Joe's for some groceries, off to the dealership to pick up the car, race home to get lunch and the kids, fly off to the orthodontist for Katja, run to music store for Kai's trumpet, then to Katja's school, as she had forgotten to bring a major part of her homework and then finally to McDonald's as this was a tough afternoon with nasty rain.

After we got home, the kids were fed and I started on the pumpkins, 3 huge ones, which I gutted and got ready for Rick to carve. Rick and I had a crockpot meal and now I'm exhausted. Let no one ever say a stay at home mom just sits and eats bonbons, I long for a day like that!!

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Rather than trying to tell what we did over the past week, I think I'll just start from scratch.

Parker, Saskia's little friend, had his first real sleepover here last night, it went great! They all slept (including Kai) in no time. I guess the Halloween party wore them out.

As I'm sitting here typing, I'm looking out into the beautiful day we're having and our neighbor's gorgeous bright red tree. I'm going to have to take some pictures!

I've become a member of some of the photo critique websites: Usefilm, Digital Photo Contest and photo net. It's fun to get ideas of what other people do with their photography. And good to get some insight from others on how I can improve.

Kai and I went on an hour plus walk to the park and stopped regularly to take pictures. The fall colors are amazing!

Things that make me happy:
1. Having my little (getting big though!) boy happily scootering alongside me
2. Nature, it's gorgeous!
3. My knee hurts a bit less today, yay, meaning it's just related to fibromyalgia and not some weird other thing
4. Halloween is just a few days away and it's one of my favorite holidays, did I mention I'm going as a space vampiress?
5. My dad comes over often and it's so great to see him cuddle with the kids and them loving it when Opa comes!
Rather than trying to tell what we did over the past week, I think I'll just start from scratch.

Parker, Saskia's little friend, had his first real sleepover here last night, it went great! They all slept (including Kai) in no time. I guess the Halloween party wore them out.

As I'm sitting here typing, I'm looking out into the beautiful day we're having and our neighbor's gorgeous bright red tree. I'm going to have to take some pictures!

I've become a member of some of the photo critique websites: Usefilm, Digital Photo Contest and photo net. It's fun to get ideas of what other people do with their photography. And good to get some insight from others on how I can improve.

Kai and I went on an hour plus walk to the park and stopped regularly to take pictures. The fall colors are amazing!

Things that make me happy:
1. Having my little (getting big though!) boy happily scootering alongside me
2. Nature, it's gorgeous!
3. My knee hurts a bit less today, yay, meaning it's just related to fibromyalgia and not some weird other thing
4. Halloween is just a few days away and it's one of my favorite holidays, did I mention I'm going as a space vampiress?
5. My dad comes over often and it's so great to see him cuddle with the kids and them loving it when Opa comes!

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Taking a small break from the Halloween party my neighbor is having. It's finally sunny again and beautiful with the fall colors getting deeper. Now that the snipers have been caught, the relief is palpable all around. And we can go trick or treating, at least!

But we're behind, because we have no pumpkins yet, we'll get those tomorrow.

I'm really hoping to start blogging more diligently again. I tried to yesterday, but the Blogger site was down. More later, hopefully tonight.

Friday, October 18, 2002

Scratch that, a second after I posted, the school called, Saskia has thrown up and now she's home here with me and no gift wrap stuff. I guess I'll go Monday or Tuesday now. Poor little one, she's all pale and so sad she can't play with her friend now :(!
Well, my loyalty to my blog is waning! I can't believe I haven't written a whole week! I think it's because my brain is so full of stuff, snipers, mothers, sick children and what have you, that I don't even know where to start. And I don't want my blog to become a weekly whining session either, as, all things considered, I have a wonderful life and to be grumpy on here just wouldn't be right.

Take yesterday, the first message I read online was from an email friend in Denmark, very, very sad: their 6 1/2 months old infant had died in her sleep. She had Down's Syndrome, but was doing quite well. So this was completely unexpected (not that expected makes it any easier!). So I was very sad for her, but I also realized, how precious life is and cuddled my kids all the more.

Today, my email friend Colleen is in labor having her third child. This has been a very nervous pregnancy for her and we've all lived through it with her. Her daughter Heather died in utero a year or so ago. I can't wait for the good news about the birth of her little one!

The internet is such a special place, support is very real, even if not in the flesh and I think it has widened many people's social circle.

On the personal front, Katja was sick until Tuesday and Kai and Saskia had a major case of cabin fever. So I could just about kiss my friend Denise, when she called on Tuesday afternoon to ask my two to play at her house. Two hours of quiet!

Rick traveled, left Monday night, came back Tuesday, left Wednesday night, came back last night. This always makes it hard for me to get in a rhythm. As a matter of fact, I think the lack of it caused Saskia to feel nauseous today from tiredness. I got a call from the clinic while I was at the gym, and when I called back, she had had a nap and was feeling much better and so far she's still at school.

I had a hair appointment yesterday and my hairdresser decided to let my hair return to its natural color. So I went from quite a blonde (which had started to look brassy and I was increasingly unhappy with) to a brunette in the span of one hour. I love it myself and so does just about everyone else, especially Rick. But Saskia had a fit when she saw me (I do look completely different, it's amazing what hair color will do!) and didn't want to come home with me. I had to carry her home. I told her that changing my hair color didn't make me a different person and that I loved her as much as always (she was yelling she hated me). When she said "I wish you were dead", though, I carried her up to her room and asked her to think of how that was not a nice thing to say.

Katja talked to her too and as suddenly as the fit started, it ended and I had a cuddly little six year old in my lap, who told me she loved me "even" with brown hair :).

Now I have about 15 minutes before I have to get Katja from the bus stop and then I'm going to hand out wrapping paper orders at the school, oh joy!

Friday, October 11, 2002

My what an emotional week! Every day another murder, every day driving Katja to school and picking her up from the bus stop, because we just don't feel comfortable for her to be out in the open. Every day driving the other kids the less than half a mile to school, their school being so close to the Interstate, police requested kids don't walk.

And the last 2 murders way too close for comfort, especially the one on Wednesday night, just a few exits away on the interstate :(. All sports and outside events to do with the children have been canceled, including Kai's boy scout camp out tomorrow night. And lots of homecoming games.

Last night, a white van was parked in our street, around 10pm. It didn't belong there and we were scared. Our neighbor tried to call the police, but before he could get through the van suddenly left. Spooky!

I just hope there were enough witnesses today, that police can get good clues and get these guys. This is no way to live! We're all running to stores and back to the car, pumping gas has become a scary event.

I did manage to paint Kai's wall in a really nice red and today I got new bedding and window treatments for our room and cloud curtains for Katja's room. I'm now thinking of painting one wall in our room a sage green (the window treatments are white with little green leaves and the bedding green with off-white leaves). And I want to paint Katja's ceiling like a sky with clouds. Still plenty to do in other words, but it's definitely gratifying to see what character a color paint gives to a room.

Yesterday Christine and I had a pamper day, we worked out, then swam in the pool at the gym, then sat in the hot tub there and the sauna. After our shower we went to the mall (parking in a covered area) and ate lunch and got a manicure. In the evening we had a girls night out with 6 of us at Macaroni Grill. I really needed that, as the kids were fighting the entire time they were home yesterday! It must have been the lack of exercise, as they haven't had recess in over a week.

This afternoon, like almost every Friday lately, we've had a house full of kids. Michael and Laura, Kai and Saskia's friends, are staying for dinner and Michael is sleeping over. Time to order pizza for the kids!

Things that make me happy:
1. The abundant rain (highly necessary!) and now the breaks in the clouds, so grateful gloomy, rainy days never last long here.
2. The community feeling, how everyone pulls together again in times of anxiety, like after September 11th.
3. My three adorable and especially healthy kids, my neighbor's nephew is in intensive care and that brings home again how precious and delicate the little lives we brought into this world are.
4. It's Friday!!! No getting up at 6am, no homework for 3 days (Monday is a holiday)
5. The ticking of the clock, a sleeping cat, nicely playing boys and girls = home!

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

We're all in the clutches of the sniper here. After a 13 year old boy was shot in front of his school yesterday, the schools in this area went into high alert. The kids haven't had recess since Wednesday, we have to pick them up in person at the front door, or drop them off by car at the front door. Everybody is jittery being in parking lots and other areas where someone could shoot from a distance. How scary this all is! I'm having Rick drive Katja to school every day, I can't allow her to stand and wait for the bus. Maybe too worried, but better safe than sorry.

To add to it all, a woman rear ended me with her truck yesterday afternoon, while I was waiting for a stoplight. It wasn't a hard hit, no damage to the cars, but I have had a serious neck- and backache since and am sitting here with a heat wrap around my neck hoping it will help.

I'm hoping to paint Kai's wall tomorrow, but at this point I have too much pain to do anything but just half lie here. Yuck!!!

Since things are not going too well, I've decided I need to concentrate on the things that are creating happiness in my life again. So I'm starting the "5 things that made me happy" again:
1. Seeing Saskia run up to me at the school, all excited with her "what we did today" stories, I love hearing all about her school day!
2. Looking at Saskia's little mouth, she has 4 teeth missing right now: her 2 front teeth and 2 side teeth on the bottom. She's so cute!
3. Having Katja come in my room in the mornings and lie next to me to spend some quality time together, even if we're both sleepy, it's very precious.
4. Seeing Kai's mischievous grin after he told me he didn't hand in an assignment on time (ok, I shouldn't be happy about that, but he's so cute too!)
5. Having Rick hand me my heat wrap and at the same time tell me how much he loves me.

I could go on, so there must be many more things to life that make me happy than not. Why is it then, that it's so easy for us to concentrate on the negatives? Hug your children and loved ones for me, life is too precious to ignore!

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Ah, another gorgeous, blue sky, sunny day! I know I should be hoping for rain, because the drought is getting severe, but there is just something to waking up to these crisp, clear autumn days.

So, time to update the blog. Of course, as usual, the days are full and never boring here. I last wrote on Wednesday morning. After a long walk with Christine, I picked Saskia up from school and went to the dentist with her. She had to take Demerol to calm her down and after half an hour, we went back and she got nitrous oxide, bubblegum smell. Then, when she was sufficiently calm the novocaine. She was a real trooper, even smiling at the dentist's jokes. She now has a beautiful white crown where her severely decayed tooth was and he fixed another cavity as well. She also got her healthy teeth sealed. Now we have to return in December for the rest of the cavities.

After the dentist visit, we got Wendy's Frosties, as we were both starving (Saskia didn't have breakfast because of the medication). And then of course a visit to Toys R Us, where Saskia selected the Bedtime Carebear.

On Wednesday night, the school's ice cream social was on. Rick took the kids, as all the emotions of the day had left me exhausted.

On Thursday we went to Katja's back to school night. My dad babysat and it's heartwarming to see how he is building up loving relationships with the kids! He cuddled with Saskia and put her in bed, reading her a special Dutch fairy tale. The back to school night was crazy! Listening to Katja's 7 teachers talk for 10 mins each and running upstairs and downstairs in 5 minutes between "classes". Katja certainly gets her exercise just going from class to class!

On Friday afternoon I painted an accent wall in Saskia's room aqua. Very pretty! It really changes the room completely and now I'm eager to paint more, but it's not as easy in the other rooms, as there are heavy bookcases to move and all. So maybe I'll just do a bathroom next. It is gratifying to see the result!

Yesterday we had a wonderful day! We went to an event by the Dutch Society at the house of some members. Their house is located on the Potomac river. Gorgeous! There was so much to do: swimming, kayaking, surfing, old fashioned Dutch games, food and drinks. The kids didn't want to go at all and then didn't want to leave as they were having such a good time!

At night, Rick and I used up a gift certificate at Morton's of Chicago. Yum!

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

This morning at 7:10am, I received a phone call from the police officer at Katja's middle school. I had left a message for her yesterday afternoon, after Katja came home with a strange story about a schoolbus desecration.

Apparently, some eighth graders had written an inflammatory word or sentence on one of the schoolbus benches. The officer had come on the bus to find out who the perpetrator(s) were. Ok, so far so good, sounds like a good thing to me, as the schoolbus gets used not only by the older kids, but by little ones as well. But then Katja proceeded to tell me, that they had to write on a piece of paper what they knew and when no one wrote anything the officer could use, she proceeded to yell at the kids using words like "hell" and "damn".

Now, Katja is definitely used to her share of yelling from previous teachers and the likes and is not a sensitive child in that area. So for her to tell me this so specifically meant, that it must have been pretty scary for her.

I told the officer what Katja had told me and she claimed she couldn't remember using those words and that she had to yell in order to be heard by the whole bus, as according to her the bus is so huge (later on she told me she was standing in the middle of the bus and to my knowledge yelling is not necessary in a bus, if you're standing in the middle, but ok, she may have felt she needed to to exert her dominance). I told her that obviously, this would be Katja's word against hers and that I wasn't trying to tell her how to do her job, just to make her aware, that her behavior wasn't exactly exemplary to the kids.

She was quite defensive, saying the eighth graders that did it needed a good scolding, because the words they wrote were much worse than whatever words she may have used to the kids. I told her that may very well be the case, but the point is, that there were just a couple of kids involved and there was no need to yell at the entire bus like that (she admitted she'd known who did it before she even entered the bus). She prided herself on not telling the kids what was actually written as "it was quite bad". Ok, that's great. Still no excuse in my mind.

Anyway, she ended the conversation by asking me if there was anything else. Obviously not. And now I'm of course second guessing myself. Did I do right by calling the school? Will Katja forever have a "name" with this officer now? Am I too protective of a parent and should I just accept that police officers have to be rough to the kids? (I really don't think they have to be, honestly). And I didn't like her defensive stance, I would have much preferred if she had said "Yes, I realize I didn't use the right language, but I was frustrated as it had taken me all day to figure out who these kids were and now they were not owning up" or some such.

Ok, off to go for a long walk and then Saskia's dental work!

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Mondays are always strange days, yesterday was no exception. It's because the kids' school day is short (only till 12:45) and so we have the whole afternoon "off", which usually means there are thousands of chores to push into those few hours.

After a great workout, a step class, which I love, as it teaches you a dance and it feels great to be in sync with everyone, I ran off to the Container Store. Rick is in the process of emptying out the garage, so he can fit his car and he needed some containers. Then off to Whole Foods for stuff.

Quickly home, took a shower and got the little ones (though Kai would balk at this description of him ;)). We did homework and when Katja came home, I rushed off to the dentist with her for her cleaning. The assistant asked me if I had a running appointment there ;), every week. Thankfully, this was it and only Rick, who takes care of his own appointments, still needs to be seen. Katja's teeth, as well as Kai's, are still perfect. Poor little Saskia is not so lucky and I'm nervous about tomorrow, when she's having a root canal (something I've never even experienced myself :() and a crown put on. I'm more nervous, than she is , I think, as she's singing happily.

After the dentist I barely had time to pick up Saskia to go to her first skating lesson. I took some pictures of her skating, very cute! And between the "scenes", I took some wonderful Monarch butterfly pictures too.

Today, I first went to my biblestudy, very interesting, on how to be an excellent wife. I'll be one from now on ;). Then to the doctor for a checkup and a flu shot, yuck! But I do really like my doctor. She asked about my mom and took down the books that I read about Borderline Personality Disorder.

Then off to the gym (way late, around 12noon!) for a workout and Christine and I had a nice salad for lunch. At 4, the kids and I pushed 4 cats into their pet carriers, leashed Brynna up and went to the vet. My, oh my, what an undertaking! I don't think the vet was used to a family of 5 pets showing up :-O!

Brynna and Miep (15 yo cat, for those not in the now) are having tests done. Brynna on a bump on her side and Miep to see if she has diabetes, hyperthyroidism or renal failure (hopefully the middle one, as that's treatable with tablets). The other three, Sushi (2), Snickers and Meike (siblings, 1) were all healthy and just got shots.

And now it's Tuesday night and Rick is helping Katja with her homework and the others are drawing. No tv! Great!!!

Sunday, September 29, 2002

Yesterday was a great day! The storms had drifted over, the pain subsided somewhat and Rick was back home! Yippee!!!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so after a weight workout upstairs, I took Brynna for a short run outside. The dog is loving those walks! Her whole behavior has changed, she used to whine a lot, but now is much quieter. And it's so gorgeous outside, the walks/runs really lift my spirits too.

After lunch, I went over to Christine's with Katja, who babysat Christine's daughter, while we went to Middleburg. We visited 3 wineries: Chrysalis, Swedenburg and Piedmont. The views! Is it ever pretty out there at the foot of the Shenandoah mountains! And Middleburg is a beautiful little town!

I just came back from a run of about 5 miles with Brynna, who's pooped! But the weather is so gorgeous, working out indoors is just not an option!

In a little bit we're going to the Renaissance Festival again. I love that festival so much, I could go every week!

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Not up for blogging much these days. Fibromyalgia pains have returned full force and Rick is out of town, so I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth. More this weekend.

Monday, September 23, 2002

I keep wanting to update my blog daily and am just not managing to. Oh well. It may be because I am feeling very tired these last few days. I had a very emotional day on Saturday, having to stand up to my mother yet again. But I just can not think it's right for the kids to think that what my mom did is normal. So I can't keep acting like nothing is going on. So I told her how sad we all are about her move and how she hasn't said goodbye to us. I got a scathing email back, I'll spare everyone the details, but I'm keeping it just in case I'll ever feel sorry for her again.

I wasn't feeling well on Saturday either and after the birthday party Saskia and Katja attended at our friends' house, I just vegged out while Rick took the kids to the second birthday party at Build a Bear Workshop at the mall.

Sunday was better. I went running with Kai and Brynna, who has really gotten used to her daily walks and so I had to give her one both weekend days as well. It's always so funny to go on a run with her as she'll pull me along for the first 2 miles or so, but during the third mile, she'll lose steam and gradually it'll get so I pull her along!

I took my camera on our run, but when I got ready to take a picture, I noticed there was no film in it. Duh!!

Kai stopped by a friend's house where he ended up playing and sent me home for his Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I got a good exercise in!

Then Christine and I went shopping and had a great time. We both came home with new clothes, and sometimes that feels therapeutic. Her mother has been a B**** too, and called again last night with some nonsense message. What is it with these mothers???

Today we had a serious workout, a double step class, it was great! Rick stayed home from work as he's leaving for Hawaii very early tomorrow morning and had to finish some stuff up. We had a great Thai lunch together and picked the kids up from school together, with Brynna, of course.

I went to the Container Store and got Katja some new bins for stuff in her room as she promised to clean her room today and tomorrow.

The weather is gorgeous, but we need rain!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Busy day today! This morning I got up early with Katja and Rick as I'm liking it more and more, to have some time to get chores done before the younger kids go to school. This morning I managed to straighten out 4 kitchen cupboards and a drawer, it makes me feel like I accomplished something immediately.

Brynna meanwhile has become quite used to her new twice daily walks to bring Kai and Saskia to school. It's as if she can tell time! She'll start jumping and panting right around the time we're supposed to leave, both in the morning and the afternoon! This afternoon, I was actually planning on getting the kids by car, as we had to head off right away, but Brynna's enthusiasm about the walk made me leash her anyway and walk instead. I think the special attention of the walk helps the rest of her behavior too, as she's not whining about food, water or going out nearly as much these days.

After taking the kids to school I headed off to the gym and thankfully met friends to talk during the workout, which, as always made it seem over with way faster! Then some groceries at Shoppers Food Warehouse next door. I'm trying to slip some vitamins and breakfast into Saskia by offering her Ovaltine. She refuses to eat anything for breakfast and I figure drinking chocolate milk fortified with vitamins is at least something. I hate the thought of her sitting in her class with a practicallly empty stomach! I've tried just about everything, but I think she's like me, her throat doesn't "open up" until an hour or so after waking up.

After the kids got out of school, we went to the opening of Rick's new office. It was a grand affair and Rick had worked hard on getting everything together in time, all the connections and wiring and electronics, he's a true wizard at it. It was fun to hear everyone speak so highly of him! It made my wife's heart swell with pride :).

Governor Warner of Virginia did the official opening and by the time the kids and I arrived that was all over and done with. But Katja wanted to see if the governor was still there and we were lucky, he was just about to leave, but I introduced the kids to him and then he suggested to have a picture taken. I'll have to email his photographer for a copy. Katja was so excited to have met the governor, she told everyone that wanted to hear about it :).

At 6 we rushed home, as we had to be at the kids' school at 7 for Back to School night. We quickly got the kids Mickey D's, bad, bad parents that we are! But there really was no time for anything else. Katja made me feel slightly better about it by getting a salad there.

The Back to School night was fun. We missed the little session with all the politicians, the principal and whoever else doing their talks and went straight to the classrooms. Both kids had made things for us, Saskia had a mystery paper with the color of her hair (orange :)) and eyes (green) and we had to guess who she was. She has a fun teacher, who really loves to teach first grade, it's quite obvious.

Kai in fifth grade rotates among 3 teachers for math, science and social studies. His homeroom teacher is a really nice lady, I had a long talk with her on the field trip last week. His fourth grade teacher has him for math and she was telling me just how smart he is, but that he kind of keeps it hidden. This is what I like about this school, because that's exactly the case! Kai is a GT student, but we didn't send him to the special center, because he hates doing homework and we envisioned 4 years of struggle over that. Some might argue we're not doing him a favor by "giving in", but I firmly believe, that a child should enjoy school and he does. He wouldn't if he would have to work on hours and hours of homework. We do extra stuff at home and he's in the pull out GT program at school, but that's all stuff he enjoys doing. Anyway, it's fun to see how well the teachers read the children.

Now we're about to eat dinner at 9:30pm, yawn! But it was a fun day!

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

A gorgeous day today! I had to get up early with Katja, as Rick was gone before dawn for a presentation downtown. Katja leaves at 6:55 and so I had a whole 35 mins before I had to wake the younger ones up. Hey, maybe enough time to get the refrigerator (which was admittedly gross!) cleaned out. So I started on that and by the time I had to walk them to school, I had a sparkling clean refrigerator. What a feeling of accomplishment that was!

I had a super workout and personal training session and then went to Fresh Fields for some more of the fresh cheese (yogurt like with fruit flavors) that Kai and Saskia love. And of course, I had to get myself one of their great salads for lunch.

For once there was nowhere to go this afternoon, so I took pictures of a beautiful butterfly on our bushes. I put my butterfly and other insect pics on my Webshots page, under butterflies and insects. Then I walked Brynna to the school to pick up the kids.

Parker (our neighbor's son) and Saskia play so well these days! They pretend all kinds of stuff while playing house, very cute! They can't wait to see each other after school, Parker is in Kindergarten and Saskia in first grade. I hope the friendship lasts, I think a boy-girl friendship is quite cool!

Tonight, Kai and Rick went to Kai's first scouting meeting. I have mixed feelings about the Boy Scouts, but more about that later as it's late.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

It's been a hectic week! I'm not going to go over every day, no energy.

I saw my mother last on Saturday and now have no idea when I'll see her again, she left yesterday afternoon forever. Very weird feeling. She didn't say goodbye to any of us, really, just to my dad.
Last night was a difficult night. It's hard to grasp, that someone we saw daily and with whom we traveled and had great times together, changed so much over the course of a year and just eliminated her husband, children and grandchildren from her life.

I keep telling the children, that, even if I live to be a hundred, I'll always be their *mother*. That task, or even gift, won't magically be over when they're adults and I'm 62 or whatever age. I vow to be the best grandmother my grandchildren could wish for. I'm writing this down, black and white, because I want to be able to refer to it again.

I had to re-affirm today for myself, what it means to be a mother and grandmother. I know my own mother does not correspond to the descriptions, but I swear I will! I will not be perfect, but I'll work darned hard at it! I looked up some poems that speak to me about this subject and I'm posting them here for my blog tonight. I'm mourning my mother, I know she is not dead, but as of yesterday, she has chosen a new family and life as we knew it with her will never be again.

The first 2 poems are about the Mother I hope to be and the third about the way my own Grandmother (from father's side) was and how I hope to be a Grandmother some day.


When you're a child she walks before you,
To set an example.
When you're a teenager she walks behind you
To be there should you need her.
When you're an adult she walks beside you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together..

- Author Unknown.

A Mother's Love

There are times when only a Mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.
There are times when only a Mother's love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the Angels
And sent from God above...

- Author Unknown.


A grandmother has a special talent-
She always knows just what to do
To make her grandchildren happy
And to show she loves them, too.

At the family get-togethers,
She's the first person to look for-
She can entertain small children for hours,
And they always keep asking for more.

You can tell when a grandmother's teasing
By the twinkle that shines in her eyes-
She's an expert at settling problems,
For she's loving, patient and wise.

Her grandchildren always admire her,
Even when they are grown-
They always feel proud and happy
To claim Grandmother as their own!

~By Mary Dawson Hughes~

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Ok, I need to recount my memories of September 11th, 2001. Of course, I had just celebrated my 40th birthday, blissfully unaware of the atrocities that would be committed the next day.

I sometimes think of that, how ironic, that on my 40th birthday we could still accompany guests to the gate of their flight, we rarely heard fighter jets flying over, we didn't have to be at airports 2 hours in advance and then still barely make it, we didn't have to listen to the media speculate what and where the next terror attack may take place, worrying they're giving these bandits an awful lot of good ideas! The World Trade Center was still just that, a building to go up in and look out over New York, 2800+ people were still alive, a group of little kids was still looking forward to their trip to Los Angeles. "Ground Zero" was still a term to be used in case of a nuclear war. And much more!

What a difference a day makes! During the night of the 10th, I had gotten sick, something I ate, I guess. I was in no state to take care of children the next morning, so Rick canceled his appointment at the Pentagon to help take the kids to school. This saved us numerous hours of worry or worse, as it turned out.

When he got back from dropping the children off, he came running upstairs and said: "If you ever saw a towering inferno, watch this!" and turned on NBC news. As we were watching the coverage of the first tower in flames, we witnessed the second plane hitting the other tower. It didn't register. In shocked horror we kept watching, unable to tear ourselves away. Then the announcer stopped mid sentence and said they were going to Washington. I'll never forget Jim Miklazevski's words: "I don't want to alarm anyone, but I just felt this building shake."

About an hour later, when all planes should have been grounded, but word had not come yet of the 4th hijacked plane, I heard a plane above our house. I never felt as scared as I did then!

My father was working in Washington at the time the Pentagon plane hit and it took hours for him to contact us or get home. We knew he was nowhere near the Pentagon, but we couldn't imagine what people who had loved ones in the Pentagon must have felt!

I called the school to ask if we could get the children. We were told the superintendent had determined it would not benefit the children to be taken out early and were advised to leave them at school. In retrospect, we should have gotten at least the oldest, as classmates were picked up by their parents and at such rates, that the kids started thinking worse things had happened than the actual events.

Reacting to the call of unity, we all went to the flag stores the next days and got flags for the house and the cars. Somehow that felt right.

We also drove by the Pentagon site. We just needed to see it and feel the reality of it, hard to explain.

For a week or so after the attacks, I was not able to eat or sleep. I kept wondering what would happen next, was I going to see my children rot away with smallpox? Were we all going to die a nasty chemical gas death? I was consumed with worry and couldn't live anywhere near a normal life.

I went to see my doctor, who advised me to turn off the tv. I listened, it helped. But not enough. I needed an event, that would show me, that fate is just that, that we can't control what will happen to us, even if we would desperately like to.

This event unfortunately came with a tornado not too far away in Maryland. The car of two college students was picked up by the tornado and slammed down, killing both girls. Strangely enough, this tragedy snapped me out of my all consuming worries. I realized, that these girls had been just as worried about what would happen next and here their lives ended in a totally unrelated event.

My friend invited me to attend her bible study. I'm not practicing religious, but always very interested in the history of the bible. So I went and for the first reading, one of the verses read: "Who of you, by worrying, added a single hour to his life" (Matthew) I recall that simple sentence anytime I feel the worries taking over. It's quite simply the truth. Whatever happens, we won't be able to change it. So in the past year my main focus has been to enjoy everything I have, the love I enjoy from the kids and Rick, the beauty of nature, the volunteering the schools, the deepening of existing friendships and creating new friendships. All that makes life worth living, no matter what tomorrow brings.

Tonight, I'm remembering those that fell one year ago. I am grateful to them, they showed me just how important the little things in life are. And I hope their families find comfort in the knowledge that so many people all over the country think about them today.
In honor of the remembrance of September 11th, 2001, I'm posting a poem here that Katja wrote last year:

The Things They Did To Me

1 Thing they did to me,
Was make me see,
That the USA is stronger
Than they'll ever be
Another thing they did to me
Was make me see
How horrible and sad
And dangerous and mad
This world can be
I wish I didn't have to know
That people can go
As far as the events of September 11
To send innocent people to heaven
Ok, here I am, freshly 41 ;). I liked 40 much better as a number, but I guess it will have to do. Yesterday, after a strenuous workout, Christine took me out to lunch at Artie's, a fun local restaurant. I have to admit I haven't exactly been watching my diet lately :-O!

Then, when the kids got home, the girls and I had a manicure, Saskia's first ever. And Katja got her nails done red, white and blue with the letters USA on the 3 middle fingers.

I got a lot of phone calls, cards and ecards, so I felt very celebrated. For dinner we went to my favorite restaurant Renaissance Cafe and had a good time with the 5 of us.

Today is the eleventh of September. I slept terribly last night, waking up at 1:30am and not able to get back to sleep :(. So I was supertired. I was worried, even though I didn't want to admit it, that something bad would happen again today. Living so close to DC doesn't make one feel very safe in these instances!

I had purposely signed up to chaperone a field trip for Kai's fifth grade class to go to the International Children's Festival at Wolftrap, the only national park that's devoted to the performing arts in the country. It was a wonderful performance of dancers from China, Korea, Bolivia and Armenia and at the end, the county supervisor and school superintendent led the children in singing "America the Beautiful".

I'm really glad I went! After I got myself a quick lunch at Fresh Fields, Christine came over and we went for a long walk with Brynna, to the dogpark. But when we got there, Brynna was already so exhausted, she just laid down and panted. I guess I need to exercise her more!

As far as the remembrance of September 11, 2001 goes, I have been thinking about how I felt that day, all day. The total fear, the worry for the future, it all kept me from eating and sleeping for at least a week, until my doctor told me to turn the tv's off. I really do think that the media have too much influence on our daily lives. It's hard to get away from them, too. Today I managed fairly well.

This day will never be a normal day for me again, I realized today. Nor will my birthday ever be the celebration it was, there will always be a shadow...

Monday, September 09, 2002

I'm exhausted today and have lots of pain in my leg. The emotions of the weekend probably got to me.

Not a long blog entry today, just a few important things I don't want to forget:

1) I'm turning 41 tomorrow and I always thought I'd hate to be so "old". Truly, despite all the stuff going on with my parents, this is the best time of my life. I'm having fun, I'm loving my family and my friends and genuinely am happy.

2) Today is my anniversary of becoming an American citizen. I swore allegiance to the United States of American on 9/9/99, a fun date, too. I'm proud to be an American!

3) Though September 11th will be a tense day, I should not forget that it's my sister and brother-in-law's third wedding anniversary, their wedding date was 9/11/1999. They are now blessed with a beautiful little boy. So the date does not just stand for ugly deeds, thankfully!

Saturday, September 07, 2002

Highly necessary after the past few days:

Five things that have made me happy:

1) When I told Kai last night before bed "Thank you for being you" (I sometimes say this to the kids), he answered "Thank *you* for being *you*, so I can be *me*". It was just so wonderful of a statement.

2) Photographing a bunch of beautiful butterflies this afternoon, nature sure has quite a palette!

3) When I saw Rick dressed in his workout clothes today, to go to the gym with me and endure my griping about my mother, even though I know he is not fond of talking while exercising.

4) When Rick came home with a computer program that teaches Dutch for him and the kids to use. It's so special they all make such an effort to speak *my* language!

5) Talking to my brother and sister and feeling their love and support and knowing that, even if my mom is lost to our family, we won't fall apart, my dad and my siblings and nieces and nephews will still be there and care just as much.
It's been an emotional few days, since my mother came back from the Netherlands. I don't really feel like telling the whole story here again, as I'm sure it will stick in my memory forever. But I'll have to get used to life without a mother, so much is clear.

On Thursday, Christine and I went to the National Gallery of Art to get our minds off everything going on with our respective families (how did two people meet that have so much in common with each other? Coincidence? I think not!). Her mother has totally gone off the deep end and mine is not far behind, if not there already. Same background, same personality disorder, how creepy is that?

Anyway, the Gallery was great, quiet, serene, beautiful works of art and a wonderful little restaurant with a scrumptious buffet. Ah, that's the life!

On Friday I kept busy with workout, massage and haircut and meanwhile tried to mentally deal with the blows coming out of my parental home.

Today was similar. Rick was very sweet to go work out with me as I really needed a companion today. Besides that I mainly took pictures of all the different butterflies in our yard. So far, I identified the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (plentiful), the American Lady, the black female Eastern Tiger Swallowtailand the Great Spangled Fritillary . Some of the pictures turned out great as you can see!

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

And the schoolyear has started! First we had a wonderful day at the Renaissance Festival in Maryland on Monday. We brought Katja's friend Meghan and Kai's friend Nick with us. The boys really enjoyed the Torture museum (as did Katja, Meghan and Saskia stayed out) and the Unnatural History museum. We ate the wonderful food there, like sweet potato fries, fry ribbons, soup in a bread bowl and fried pickle (my personal favorite).
It's just always a lot of fun that festival. I didn't get a chance to shop much, so I definitely want to go again this season (it goes through mid-October).

My dad came along as well and we all ate dinner at the Renaissance Cafe nearby, a wonderful restaurant and appropriately named ;).

Yesterday was the first day of school! We got up at 6am, to get Katja ready for her bus at 7am. We were the only parents at the busstop, which kind of surprised me. But then I realized all the other kids had older siblings. Still, I'm fairly certain I will wait with Kai and Saskia as well.

Then we walked Kai and Saskia to their classes and took first day of school pictures. I went off to the gym, did a very tough class with Claudia (we both felt we were getting quite a workout! I guess the machines are good, but you do get used to them and the classes use muscles I didn't even know I had!).

After class and shower, quickly back to the school to help Saskia through her first lunch. She only needed me for about 10 minutes so I left and ate lunch at home (the school lunches just don't appeal to me!!).

On the first day of school our tradition is, that I get brightly colored poster board and stickers and shape that into a large cone, which I then fill with snacks and school supplies to make the homework more fun. I thought maybe Katja would feel too old for it now, but nothing was further from the truth! So I went and picked them all up with the huge cones in my arms.

Christine and I managed to get a manicure/pedicure in somewhere in between as well and I cooked dinner (fajita's) for the first time in a long time! I was utterly exhausted last night, as were the kids!